Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How iPhone Application Development Can Benefit Your Business?

For a business, an app is ideally able to enhance brand value, and it does so with more impact than a website can ever produce. Be it a business or an entrepreneur seeking to boost the allure of their products, Product Support and services, there are a few ways to do this.

The best way is to find a reputable iPhone application development company to develop a custom-built iPhone application to further promote and drive the business. Aloha Technology Developing an iPhone application can provide certain benefits for the organization.

Customer Satisfaction

A happy customer is a loyal customer. An app can offer your end-user a great deal of customer satisfaction which will help to grow the customer base and meet the growing market demands. UI and UX play a crucial role not only in determining the success or failure of the app but in steering and directing the interaction that takes place between the business and the consumer.

An iPhone app is a way to stay connected with users even outside of business hours and an app that can offer them POD services anytime, anywhere, can result in great customer experience which leads to greater profits for the business. Ultimately, companies are looking to connect with their users and an app can help them do this because one of the central features of an iPhone app is its accessibility and user-friendliness.

Right Here Right Now

We live in an ‘instant’ ecosystem where everything happens at the click of a button. Not only have customers become more demanding, they want their demands met immediately. For any business not to take advantage of iPhone app development and build an application that exploits this trending trait, it would be the loss of an opportunity to capitalize on business potential and maximize revenue.

In this changing mobile environment, which has come to directly impact business, an app could help a business take advantage of the commercial aspect of things while developing a relationship with the consumer.

Design Perspective

In today’s fast-paced world, the first impression is the last impression. An eye-catching app design is attractive to the user and can easily grab their attention. iOS tends to use a more greyscale palette and tends to keep its design very uniform which makes the app uncomplicated in design, easily accessible and user-friendly. Considering that the app has to compete against thousands of others in the App Store, it has to stand out and this is where design plays a make or break role in its success in the market. The objective of creating a visually appealing app is to construct an enjoyable and memorable user experience. It is finally the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) that play a crucial role in determining the outcome of the app in the market from the way it interacts with its users.

For businesses looking to improve on establishing their brand name and reputation and generate more traffic and revenue towards their products and services, it is imperative, during the development process, to pay special attention to the design of the app.

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Aloha Technology Helps Migration from Legacy Systems To Modern System With Ease

The text above is a summary, you can read full article here.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Managing the Transition From Legacy to Modern: Challenges and Solutions

Legacy IT Systems, or software and hardware that were commissioned in the 80s, 90s or early 2000s, are a significant stumbling block in an organization’s drive towards modernity. While age of these systems per se is not an issue, continued product support is a challenge in most cases leading to reduced functionality with time.Aloha Technology offers legacy systems modernization solutions to make all systems up-to-date with modern technology
There are several reasons for this.
  • Legacy systems were built to accomplish a particular function and were more abstract in their design and output. However, users today demand more specialization and superior user experience.
  • Many of the legacy systems also have closed, inflexible architectures as a result, they interact with a limited set of technology systems and are more verticalized in functionality.
  • Digitalization or the increased need to incorporate cloud-based systems, mobility, analytics and social media has changed the way IT Systems are used.
  • Business models have evolved over the years, so legacy systems with limited interoperability can slow down operations or rob the company of its competitive advantage.
Short-term fixes: affordable but ineffective
The cost of running and maintaining legacy systems prompts organizations to modernize these systems for sustained profitability. It raises the usual questions such as — can a lightweight solution do? Or is a full-scale rip and replace approach required? Some organizations seek short-term fixes such as screen scraping.
Here, the functions and tasks undertaken by the operators are simulated through a software while the data flows out of a modern UI. This way, Aloha Technology takes legacy-specific data and converts it into a format that can be understood by other, modern applications. However, if this UI must be updated from time to time in order to handle newer requirement, the back-end simulation must also be redesigned, which can be a costly exercise with traditional platforms.
Modernization: effective and inevitable
Modernization is the inevitable long-term solutions. The enterprise can choose to either — migrate the legacy systems to modern applications and host them on a modern platform, or, build a new set of systems from the scratch and abandon the older ones. Either option comes with its own challenges.
  • Cost:The single-largest reason to delay or defer the legacy modernization exercise in most organizations is the cost, or perceptions around the same.
  • Time and Disruption:Given the duration of the exercise, there could be disruption to the service. This requires informing users/customers about the same and preparing for disaster recovery.
  • Loss of Data:If the migration exercise is not properly executed, large chunks of data can be lost from one or more systems, applications and modules. And if all these data had no backups, this can cause serious disruption, or conflicts within the organization.
  • Co-existence and Integration challenges:Even as the exercise is happening, some of the older systems must co-exist with the migrated ones. However, integration between them must be smooth. Integration with later-day systems must also be full-fledged.
  • Training/re-training staff:IT departments as well as internal users must be familiarized with the new systems through extensive training programs, which again imply time, cost and disruption.
  • Ensuring user experience:Merely ensuring all the functionality is available in the new system is not enough! User experience is equally desirable.
  • Stakeholder’s commitment:Given the above challenges, stakeholders of the migration exercise may try to abort it midway, so sustaining their commitment is a challenge too.
At Aloha Technology, we have a new and effective approach to legacy migration that makes it hassle-free and ensures better returns on IT investments.