Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Future Benefits of API-Led Connectivity

There are many benefits to API-led connectivity. Here are a few that stand out to us.

Operating in the Cloud - Enterprises are now adopting cloud-based solutions for their workers and their clients. Connectivity without on-premise based software is becoming a must and is now more secure than ever. Connecting cloud solutions with legacy systems are possible with API-led connectivity, making cloud operations the leading benefit for the API infrastructure.

Accessibility from All Over the World - Data and systems, no matter where they are located, is easily accessible from anywhere with the API connected infrastructure. Global access is a must for businesses in the modern era.

Scalability API-led connectivity allows the addition of new systems and the removal of the old system with ease. This level of scalability reduces cost and fosters innovation from within the development teams.

Agility in Augmentation - API-led connectivity is an enabler for IT professionals to rapidly make changes to the system’s architecture, end-user interfaces, and background process, as the demands change.

Universal Connectivity - Within a single platform, unified blocks, services and API’s dwell together, ready to be used.

The Ultimate Business Platform - Streamlined systems and interconnectivity are in high demand within the business IT environment and now is easier than ever.

Never has it been easier to connect multiple systems and to make one cohesive and easy-to-use solution on a single platform and should be at the top of your list of methodologies while preparing for your next project! No matter the application or demands your clients have, API-led connectivity is the answer moving forward to ensure that your solutions will be best suited for the computing needs of today’s users.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Top Value Disciplines of Successful Growth Strategy for Software Product Companies

The industry is moving so fast that software product companies must keep pace. If not, they will be left behind. Growth strategies from a decade ago are fossilizing while technology expectations, pricing models, and mobile computing is making things even more confusing and volatile. 

In this article, we will discuss growth strategies that, if appropriately implemented, will not only help grow your company but will also help you stay a couple of steps ahead of the ever-changing industry.

The Value Discipline Model
The value disciplines presented in the 1993 Harvard Business Review report from Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema entitled “Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines” established the ‘rule-of-thumb’ for strategists over the years, presenting the three value disciplines that a successful company needs.

The report outlines that Operational Excellence, Customer Intimacy, and Product Leadership are the core values required for a successful company. It went on to bring out, at the time of the study in the early ’90s, that while it was necessary to be competent in all three disciplines, a successful company needed to excel in any one of them.

Since 1993, the birth of companies such as Amazon, Google, YouTube, Facebook and others have completely changed the landscape. Additionally, enhancements in technology including mobile computing have raised the bar for software product companies. Customers now demand more aesthetically pleasing applications, that are low cost and customized, and with the ability to do everything they want, integrated to one unified interface.

Additionally, they want the software to be compatible with all of their other apps and devices, and they require the best on-demand support to make for the best user experience possible.


For growth strategies to succeed, we must implement, adhere to, and excel at all three value disciplines.

Ensure Product Leadership by continually updating our core solutions to meet the demands of the client, providing them with SAAS, AI, and secure platform models.

Software must be produced with Operational Excellence through LEAN methods such as the Scrum Methodology, ensuring the product is of the highest quality. It must align with what the client wants, and it must be delivered within the timeframe promised by sales teams.

The roles within the software development process that understand the buyer persona ensuring the customer gets the product they want must work in tandem with the infrastructure that supports the client before, during, and after the purchasing process. Seeing this level of Customer Intimacy throughout the entire product cycle is the only way to gain ‘share of wallet’ when it is time for the customers to upgrade or go to the next level as their needs change.

To learn more about how Aloha Technology can help you with your software needs, connect with our team would be happy to answer your questions.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Choice Of Technology Framework And Mobile App Development

Here is a list of factors to take into account when embarking on a large scale mobile development project:

The core functionality is essential to understand because it speaks to many different foundational issues in the development process. You must assess whether your product is intended to fulfill simple informational needs or something more complex and interactive. This will inform the next step, which is to establish what sort of platform should support your product.

The question of which type of platform to develop on, as well as whether multiple platforms are needed, is essential to this process. Much of this is based on the user profile that should be generated early in the user research process. Relevant user behavior to observe in this case includes how many devices they might employ when using your app, and what kinds of devices they are. Other issues to evaluate include maintenance and security.

Information technology will play a key role in user experience and application performance, among many other important elements and features. Network access must be optimized so that nothing is wasted in the process of providing users the best experience possible. And in the event of disconnected service, offline functionality should be incorporated wherever it is useful and/or relevant.

The programming phase must be planned such that whatever framework is used, the application can be effectively upgraded as seamlessly as possible further down the road. Deployment time should also be factored in, and you should remember that mobile-web based models tend to deploy the fastest.

User Research
Great user experience requires proper user-centric research. Fortunately, there is a lot of tools to choose from in order to conduct this research, but unfortunately, that also makes the process very competitive and at times quite complicated. User research should be planned early on, and the process should really continue throughout the product life cycle (don’t think of it as simply part of the early phase). Great experience design meets their needs and expectations, and should build relationships with users that last and establish brand loyalty. Aloha Technology considers the Factors include information architecture, clear and concise copy, useful and elegant design elements, and trust and security.

Once all of the above has been evaluated, you should then be able to project a reasonably accurate budget for the project. Generally speaking, mobile-web is typically the most affordable solution, while native applications are normally the most expensive to build and maintain. Aloha Technology analyzes costs and look at market trends in order to attempt an accurate prediction of investment returns.

Mobile application development is far from a simple process. But with the right amount of planning, it can be a huge step in helping your business connect with customers in very meaningful ways. Companies like Aloha Technology are there to help you along this path

Monday, June 8, 2020

6 Tips to Create an Enterprise iOS App That People Would Love to Use

Here are some tips that can help achieve that.
1. Understand What Your Employees Need
Simply put, every business first needs to understand what their employees need and how an iOS app can solve their problem. In the majority of the cases, the apps are developed to help the employee’s access to real-time data. So, you need to ensure that you have the necessary infrastructure in place which does not crash due to several concurrent users.
The back-end, as well as the front-end, should be given adequate attention so that the app is able to keep up with a large amount of data which will be constantly received and sent even when the signal is reduced.
2. Start with a Smaller App
When the idea of enterprise iOS app development comes into the picture, most of the organizations are excited about how they can revolutionize the entire organization through a behemoth app which can make all the process and data mobile. However, you should understand that the bigger an app is, the higher are the chances to fail.
Think agile and prioritize the functionalities to only build an app which can resolve the most pressing issue. Ignore all the other problems and functionalities until the first version of the app is developed, released and succeeded. Smaller apps are not only faster and easier to develop but also have a smaller financial risk and have better adoption rate.
3. Think About Deployment
Building a great iOS app is only a battle half won. You also need to make sure that your employees actually use the app. You need to look for ways to encourage your employees to download and use the app along with managing OS version control and app version control.
Thanks to the availability of MDAP solutions this is not really a problem anymore. However, a lot of organizations do not focus on deployment until the app is already developed.
4. Let the User Guide App Development
Another benefit of agile app development methodology is that the app can be improved on the basis of the feedback from the users. But you do need to think about how you’ll collect the feedback, prioritize it and implement it.
Although time and costs are greatly reduced when you partner with an iOS app development company that offers a MADP, knowing the user’s greatest pain points and resistance levels helps create a solution that would be used regularly. This can be done by allowing users to guide the development process to ensure that they are excited about the app and take responsibility for ensuring its adoption and retention.
5. Data Security
As per a Gartner report, global businesses only spend 5% of their budget on IT security. If you are planning to build an enterprise app, data security should be a vital consideration. What if one of your employees loses their mobile phone? What if your enterprise app on the lost device and the data within gets into the wrong hands? Apart from this, the rising instances of hacking, malware, and viruses are also worth thinking about.
While the latest iPhone’s now come with features like biometric capabilities, you need a lot more than the pre-built feature of the device to protect your business data. MDAPs come with a host of modern technologies and tools to significantly improve the security of your enterprise app.
6. Think About Signal Loss
Most parts of the world still do not have 4G coverage and many of them even struggle for 3G. As a result, it is also very important to think about signal loss when building the app to minimize the user rejection risks and make the app more effective.
Using data caching ability of the devices and deciding where data processing takes place can help reduce the signal loss problem. A lot of organizations try to eliminate this problem by keeping most of the heavy-lifting processes on the server-side. However, this isn’t always possible.
Partner with the iOS app development company right from the planning stage. An experienced technology team can provide critical inputs to improve the efficiency of the solution, while adding to how attractive and engaging it is for users.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Top 7 Components of a Long-term Software Business Strategy

Software development is a rapidly expanding field, and thus requires constant focus on innovation and adoption within the industry. Continual innovation is a critical business component if independent software vendors wish to scale up over time. But there are a number of factors that can get in the way if these companies do not plan ahead of time. If you are planning a software startup venture, then you should consider consulting organizations like Aloha Technology before doing so, in order to make all the right plans.

Below are the components of a long-term software business strategy

One of the most important structural changes is automation. Vast sections of the tech industry are being disrupted by automated processes, and this progress is rapidly picking up speed. The goal in your workflow is to be as efficient and cost-effective as possible while meeting customer needs that will diversify over time. Arm yourself with the best automation tools possible and save money, time and other valuable resources. Make sure your workflow is as equipped as possible for continuous modernization in order to remain competitive.

When it comes to picking your staff, it is essential to make sure that all of your bases are covered. Department heads should be smart and cover a broad range of fields. Your workflow should put into place the best communication tools in order to facilitate seamless cooperation across all of your platforms. Your production chain is only as strong as your weakest link, but that link can always be strengthened through effective leadership and healthy collaboration.

If you are in it for the long haul, then you are going to need a clear and well-defined roadmap in order to meet your customers’ needs continually throughout your product life cycle. The goal should be to build a product that can grow and evolve. You need to establish the best available methods, figure out the development timeline and life cycle, and plan your budget accordingly.

In order to map out your development product and life cycle, you need to understand the structure of your product. You must form the right teams (more on that below) and structure them so that communication is seamless and efficient. A great idea is essential in order to launch this process, but it will amount to nothing unless the proper project management tools and processes are in place. Beware of any gaps and be open to new ideas, because there are structural changes happening in the business of independent software development on a regular basis.

With your team and workflow in place, you will need to make sure that you are working with the most agile tools available. They will need to be robust and scalable, in order to make sure that quality remains consistently high and operations run as smoothly and swiftly as possible. Companies like Aloha Technology can help you stay ahead of this.

Now that you have completed all of the prerequisite steps, it’s time to implement them. Your roadmap should be thorough and descriptive enough that everybody can understand it and it makes this part of your product’s journey as simple and error-free as possible. Also, you should create software to track your business’s progress to understand how users are reacting to your products/services. Research is essential during your product life cycle and you will need to have reliable data in order to conduct it.

If everything is properly executed, then mechanisms should be in place to allow for continuous improvement of your product. Competition is fierce and it is increasingly ubiquitous. Build your software on a solid foundation and conduct thorough research that provides the information needed in order to continuously evolve.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Aloha Technology - Your Guide to Cutting Edge Back-end Tech Solution

The back-end refers to various components and how they collaborate with each other in order to help the front-end function seamlessly. Choosing the most suitable application and database servers for your business need is a complex decision and require expert guidance.

Choosing the right Backend technology

Choosing the most suitable application and database servers for your business need is a complex decision, and will be covered separately. Businesses can talk to AlohaTechnology to get a clear idea of how back-end solutions can streamline businesses better. This section, however, will focus on choosing the most suitable programming languages.

This decision is driven by a few major factors:

Business need or domain: For most commercial web-applications, .NET is the preferred programming environment, while for apps that require heavy data processing, Python is preferred. For large-scale B2B applications, where security is a priority, Java is preferred.

Ecosystem: The local markets must have the desired number and quality of programmers in the languages that you prefer. Else, it can be a costly proposition, in which case, the choice of language must change. With leading ISV services providers like Aloha Technology, this skills -related issue curtailed as its employees are skilled in all programming languages.

Cloud or on-premise hosting: While legacy languages that have clear structures and formats for coding are safer, and preferred for on-premise applications, apps built using them take longer to develop or modify. In contrast, cloud-hosting services such as AWS provide a robust development environment that helps programmers exploit the speed and flexibility of new-age programming languages.

Characteristics of the language: Each language has its own strengths and drawbacks technically speaking. Then there is the availability of support, documentation, communities and ecosystems – all of which are important while making a decision.

The choice of back-end technologies is a complex decision that is best left to experts. At Aloha Technology, we have a mature process to handle this and we can help you make the right choices thus allowing you to invest in the right solution.

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Monday, May 11, 2020

Know 3 Core Values For Software Product Company To Nurture Growth

The top value disciplines that will not only help meet your software needs, but will also help you stay a couple of steps ahead of the ever-changing industry. In this Press Release, we will discuss growth strategies that, if appropriately implemented, will not only help your company grow but will also help you stay a couple of steps ahead of the ever-changing industry.

The Value Discipline Model

The report outlines that Operational Excellence, Customer Intimacy, and Product Leadership are the core values required for a successful company. It went on to bring out, at the time of the study in the early ’90s, that while it was necessary to be competent in all three disciplines, a successful company needed to excel in any one of them. Since 1993, the birth of companies such as Amazon, Google, YouTube, Facebook, and others has completely changed the landscape. Additionally, enhancements in technology including mobile computing have raised the bar for software product companies. Customers now demand more aesthetically pleasing applications, that are low cost and customized, and with the ability to do everything they want, integrated into one unified interface.

Implementing Value Discipline Models as a Whole

An excellent place to start is to go back to the basics. In reference to the Harvard Business Review report mentioned earlier, we can see the three primary values that drive success. We also know the customer's needs, wants, and desires. Moreover, we know that changing the growth strategy within our Aloha Technology organization will require a certain level of accountability from the software product company.

The research and development teams need to ensure that the technology is compelling and answering the need of the customer, establishing the most accurate buyer persona possible. The engineers must stick strictly to the buyer persona that has already been developed and at the same time ensuring ‘feature creep’ doesn’t run away from them. Sales teams need to ensure that they aren’t overpromising , and at the same time, not selling an anemic software offering that will pale in comparison with the competition. The Aloha technology fully implements the value discipline models for business as per requirement.

For growth strategies succeed, we must implement, adhere to, and excel at all three value disciplines.

1. Ensure Product Leadership by continually updating our core solutions to meet the demands of the client, providing them with SaaS, AI, and secure platform models.

2. Software must be produced with Operational Excellence through LEAN methods such as the Scrum Methodology, ensuring the product is of the highest quality. It must align with what the client wants, and it must be delivered within the time frame promised by sales teams.

3. The roles within the software development process that understand the buyer persona ensuring the customer gets the product they want must work in tandem with the infrastructure that supports the client before, during, and after the purchasing process. Seeing this level of Customer Intimacy throughout the entire product cycle is the only way to gain ‘share of wallet’ when it is time for the customers to upgrade or go to the next level as their needs change.

To learn more about how Aloha Technology can help you with your software needs, CONTACT US . Our team would be happy to answer your questions.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Aloha Technology Helps Migration from Legacy Systems TO Modern Systems With Ease

Digitization has increased the need for evolving the business models as legacy systems can be stumbling blocks in an organization’s drive toward modernity. A legacy systems modernization solutions make all systems up-to-date with modern technology. Aloha technology has helped many organizations achieve this legacy digital transformation effectively over the last decade.

Modernization is the inevitable long-term solutions. The enterprise can choose to either - migrate the legacy systems to modern applications and host them on a modern platform, or, build a new set of systems from the scratch and abandon the older ones. Either option comes with its own challenges. Aloha Technology is quite confident to handle these challenges

Cost: The single-largest reason to delay or defer the legacy modernization exercise in most organizations is the cost, or perceptions around the same.

Time and Disruption: Given the duration of the exercise, there could be disruption to the service. This requires informing users/customers about the same and preparing for disaster recovery.

Loss of Data: If the migration exercise is not properly executed, large chunks of data can be lost from one or more systems, applications and modules. And if all these data had no backups, this can cause serious disruption, or conflicts within the organization.

Co-existence and Integration challenges : Even as the exercise is happening, some of the older systems must co-exist with the migrated ones. However, integration between them must be smooth. Integration with later-day systems must also be full-fledged.

Training/re-training staff: IT departments as well as internal users must be familiarized with the new systems through extensive training programs, which again imply time, cost and disruption.

Ensuring user experience: Merely ensuring all the functionality is available in the new system is not enough! User experience is equally desirable.

Stakeholder’s commitment: Given the above challenges, stakeholders of the migration exercise may try to abort it midway, so sustaining their commitment is a challenge too.

At Aloha Technology, we have a new and effective approach to legacy migration that makes it hassle-free and ensures better returns on IT investments.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Choices of Technology a and Mobile Application Development

There are many different choices that you have to make when you are developing a mobile software application. Companies like Aloha Technology can help developers with this often complicated process. This article will cover many of those choices and how to go about making them.

Here is a list of factors to take into account when embarking on a large scale mobile development project:

User Research

Great user experience requires proper user-centric research. Fortunately, there is a lot of tools to choose from in order to conduct this research, but unfortunately, that also makes the process very competitive and at times quite complicated. User research should be planned early on, and the process should really continue throughout the product life cycle (don’t think of it as simply part of the early phase). Great experience design meets their needs and expectations, and should build relationships with users that last and establish brand loyalty. Aloha Technology considers the Factors include information architecture, clear and concise copy, useful and elegant design elements, and trust and security.


The core functionality is essential to understand because it speaks to many different foundational issues in the development process. You must assess whether your product is intended to fulfill simple informational needs or something more complex and interactive. This will inform the next step, which is to establish what sort of platform should support your product.

Positive about Aloha Technology

Aloha Technology have changed the game for stand-alone ISVs by invading their territory. For example, in the area of B2B networking, previously, ISVs provided a host of features around DDoS attack prevention, resource level Role Based Access Control, load balancing, network intrusion detection/intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS), geographic availability zones, etc. While some ISVs specialized in one of these areas, some offered more than one of these capabilities.

Aloha Technology is a global IT services outsourcing firm delivering digital transformation by developing technology to create revenue growth and improve agility by reinventing business functionality. Aloha Technology's domain expertise spans across several business verticals like Retail, Healthcare, Telecommunication, Business Intelligence, BFSI, Enterprise Collaboration, Supply Chain, Internet Advertising and CRM. 

Leading ISVs look at us as a strategic IT outsourcing and end-to-end product development choice.  Aloha Technology has a global footprint which showcases a workforce of application developers, designers, computer scientists and engineers, and subject matter experts ready to serve the growing 21st century information and technology needs of clients. 

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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Most Important 7 Trends Affecting 2020 Enterprise Mobile App Development

In the aggressive situation of today, organizations must adjust so as to push ahead and remain in control. 15th pattern of enterprise mobile apps has, over the previous decades, moved its status from troublesome to valuable. Practically all significant organizations today are utilizing portable application improvement stages (or are competing for) to develop their extent of impact and in this manner augment their points of view. Mobile applications have totally changed the manner in which organizations connect with their objective market, through adaptability, flexibility, and by and large convenience that they bring to the table.  
It is for all the above reasons that entrepreneurs, for example, yourselves are genuinely hoping to put resources into mobile application development platforms(MADP). This, in any case, is certainly not a simple assignment, as versatile applications do exhibit a speculation on your part. Also, there are a few factors that must be investigated with incredible examination, which requires a substantial speculation of time too.

Here are 7 trends that are influencing the enterprise mobile application development(MADP) industry in 2020:

1. AI and Machine Learning

Mobile clients are requesting progressively customized application encounters that react to their remarkable needs. Thus, the following flood of versatile applications will utilize AI and voice-enabled technologies, enabling them to be increasingly natural and intelligent, conveying genuinely customized encounters. Artificial intelligence and machine learning enable an application to gain from a client's past activities and utilization designs enabling it to actualize fundamental activities without being advised to do as such. For instance, whenever a client shops on the web, the application itself can direct the client to their ideal items without having physically to look for them.

2. 5G Technology 

For mobile app development, the presentation of 5G systems won't simply impact the manner in which individuals use applications—it will make an information concentrated condition that will encourage the opening of new markets for engineers. 5G networks guarantee to reinforce portable availability and improve the cell phone understanding by giving lower inertness and accelerating information sharing quicker than existing remote innovation. This will empower associations to computerize more center procedures and convey improved applications for exhibiting, catching, and sharing basic information.

3. Accelerated Mobility

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a website publishing tool, that was initially launched in  July 2015. This open-source library-based initiative offers a highly lucrative business proposition to all industries. The reason for this is that this technology is built to enhance the loading time of pages for mobile sites, something that is known to boost user engagement by reducing bounce rate, and enhancing CTR, rankings, etc. This technology is applicable to all types of applications, thus making it a prudent choice for your mobile application development project.

4. On-Demand Custom Mobile Apps

A new and cutting-edge solution that is paving the way forward is low-code mobile app development platforms. On the Aloha Technology platform, apps are created by on an automated platform that comes equipped with pre-configured business modules and pre-connected technology components. Components are the integrated to business modules via a ‘drag and drop’ method to create apps at rapid speed. This nullifies the need for hand-coding from scratch as traditional app development requires. Thus, increases time-to-market by 10 times. The app is then customized to suit an organisation’s hierarchical architecture to deliver highly customized technology solutions.

5. Head in the Clouds

Cloud-based computing has been around the block a couple of times now and has been established as a credible data storage function. Applications of Cloud computing to mobile apps, helps users to better manage the storage of large chunks of memory. This also unburdens the performance of the users’ devices, by storing physical memory in the online space, rather than in the device itself. As a business owner, you must ensure that your mobile app development platform makes room for Cloud integration, thus helping you leverage its features to boost app performance, as well as user satisfaction.

6.The IoT (Internet of Things)

The wave of IoT (Internet of Things) technologies has spread on a global scale and is estimated to cross 600 billion USD by 2021. One of the major offshoots of this trend is that of wearable smart technology devices – mainly comprising watches. These devices (aptly named smartwatches) can do a lot more than simply telling you the time, with features such as caller ID and notification display, voice commands, etc. Smartwatches act as extended individual utilities for mobile phones, and can therefore by extension, also do the same for mobile apps. Wearable devices are all set to become a mainstream integrated component for mobile app development platforms.

7.Experience The New Real with Aloha Technology

Virtual, and augmented reality – although currently emerging trends – is set to become a part of mainstream technology consumption in the coming years. The implications in terms of user experience, innovative concepts, and overall profitability for businesses are quite staggering. Being comparatively new, these technologies currently require large capital investment with traditional mobile app development technology. With growing demand and subsequent upscaling of production, however; AR and VR will come within the reach of more and more businesses. Aloha Technology offers all these ‘trends’ as a part of its mobile app development solutions.
The main reason for this is that the Aloha Technology platform is an automated one, where 90% of the process is pre-configured with business modules and pre-built technology modules like GPS, IoT, maps etc. that are pre-coded to an in-built connector with more than 500 connection options. The remaining 10% is the part where the app is customized to suits a business’s unique hierarchy. The result is on-demand mobile apps that are cross-platform, affordable, reliable, and includes features like secure chat, enterprise administration backend with a granular reporting engine and security at every level.
Visit Aloha Technology at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn
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Wednesday, January 8, 2020


The industry is moving so fast that software product companies must keep pace. If not, they will be left behind. Growth strategies from a decade ago are fossilizing while technology expectations, pricing models, and mobile computing is making things even more confusing and volatile. Surviving in such an environment is severe enough, but how do a software product company foster and nurture growth?
In this article, we will discuss growth strategies that, if appropriately implemented, will not only help grow your company but will also help you stay a couple of steps ahead of the ever-changing industry.

The Value Discipline ModelThe value disciplines presented in the 1993 Harvard Business Review report from Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema entitled “Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines” established the ‘rule-of-thumb’ for strategists over the years, presenting the three value disciplines that a successful company needs.

The report outlines that Operational Excellence, Customer Intimacy, and Product Leadership are the core values required for a successful company. It went on to bring out, at the time of the study in the early ’90s, that while it was necessary to be competent in all three disciplines, a successful company needed to excel in any one of them.

Since 1993, the birth of companies such as Amazon, Google, YouTube, Facebook and others have completely changed the landscape. Additionally, enhancements in technology including mobile computing have raised the bar for software product companies. Customers now demand more aesthetically pleasing applications, that are low cost and customized, and with the ability to do everything they want, integrated to one unified interface.

Additionally, they want the software to be compatible with all of their other apps and devices, and they require the best on-demand support to make for the best user experience possible.

Implementing Value Discipline Models as a WholeDue to the changing demand from the consumer, including corporate customers, our go-to growth strategies must be augmented to ensure growth; but how?

An excellent place to start is to go back to the basics. In reference to the Harvard Business Review report mentioned earlier, we can see the three primary values that drive success. We also know the customer's needs, wants, and desires. Moreover, we know that changing the growth strategy within our organization will require a certain level of accountability from the software product company.

The research and development teams need to ensure that the technology is compelling and answering the need of the customer, establishing the most accurate buyer persona possible. The engineers must stick strictly to the buyer persona that has already been developed and at the same time ensuring ‘feature creep’ doesn’t run away from them. Sales teams need to ensure that they aren’t overpromising, and at the same time, not selling an anemic software offering that will pale in comparison with the competition.

We have found that as opposed to excelling at just one of the value disciplines in the HBR report, that a company that will rise above all others must excel at all three value disciplines and is the only way to succeed in today’s pool of software customers.

ConclusionFor growth strategies to succeed, we must implement, adhere to, and excel at all three value disciplines.
  • Ensure Product Leadership by continually updating our core solutions to meet the demands of the client, providing them with SaaSAI, and secure platform models.
  • Software must be produced with Operational Excellence through LEAN methods such as the Scrum Methodology, ensuring the product is of the highest quality. It must align with what the client wants, and it must be delivered within the timeframe promised by sales teams.
  • The roles within the software development process that understand the buyer persona ensuring the customer gets the product they want must work in tandem with the infrastructure that supports the client before, during, and after the purchasing process. Seeing this level of Customer Intimacy throughout the entire product cycle is the only way to gain ‘share of wallet’ when it is time for the customers to upgrade or go to the next level as their needs change.
To learn more about how Aloha Technology can help you with your software needs, CONTACT US.Our team would be happy to answer your questions.

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