Monday, June 8, 2020

6 Tips to Create an Enterprise iOS App That People Would Love to Use

Here are some tips that can help achieve that.
1. Understand What Your Employees Need
Simply put, every business first needs to understand what their employees need and how an iOS app can solve their problem. In the majority of the cases, the apps are developed to help the employee’s access to real-time data. So, you need to ensure that you have the necessary infrastructure in place which does not crash due to several concurrent users.
The back-end, as well as the front-end, should be given adequate attention so that the app is able to keep up with a large amount of data which will be constantly received and sent even when the signal is reduced.
2. Start with a Smaller App
When the idea of enterprise iOS app development comes into the picture, most of the organizations are excited about how they can revolutionize the entire organization through a behemoth app which can make all the process and data mobile. However, you should understand that the bigger an app is, the higher are the chances to fail.
Think agile and prioritize the functionalities to only build an app which can resolve the most pressing issue. Ignore all the other problems and functionalities until the first version of the app is developed, released and succeeded. Smaller apps are not only faster and easier to develop but also have a smaller financial risk and have better adoption rate.
3. Think About Deployment
Building a great iOS app is only a battle half won. You also need to make sure that your employees actually use the app. You need to look for ways to encourage your employees to download and use the app along with managing OS version control and app version control.
Thanks to the availability of MDAP solutions this is not really a problem anymore. However, a lot of organizations do not focus on deployment until the app is already developed.
4. Let the User Guide App Development
Another benefit of agile app development methodology is that the app can be improved on the basis of the feedback from the users. But you do need to think about how you’ll collect the feedback, prioritize it and implement it.
Although time and costs are greatly reduced when you partner with an iOS app development company that offers a MADP, knowing the user’s greatest pain points and resistance levels helps create a solution that would be used regularly. This can be done by allowing users to guide the development process to ensure that they are excited about the app and take responsibility for ensuring its adoption and retention.
5. Data Security
As per a Gartner report, global businesses only spend 5% of their budget on IT security. If you are planning to build an enterprise app, data security should be a vital consideration. What if one of your employees loses their mobile phone? What if your enterprise app on the lost device and the data within gets into the wrong hands? Apart from this, the rising instances of hacking, malware, and viruses are also worth thinking about.
While the latest iPhone’s now come with features like biometric capabilities, you need a lot more than the pre-built feature of the device to protect your business data. MDAPs come with a host of modern technologies and tools to significantly improve the security of your enterprise app.
6. Think About Signal Loss
Most parts of the world still do not have 4G coverage and many of them even struggle for 3G. As a result, it is also very important to think about signal loss when building the app to minimize the user rejection risks and make the app more effective.
Using data caching ability of the devices and deciding where data processing takes place can help reduce the signal loss problem. A lot of organizations try to eliminate this problem by keeping most of the heavy-lifting processes on the server-side. However, this isn’t always possible.
Partner with the iOS app development company right from the planning stage. An experienced technology team can provide critical inputs to improve the efficiency of the solution, while adding to how attractive and engaging it is for users.

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